I'm on the right side of the grass, but....
Saturday morning sleeping late, the Democratic party calls for contributions and wakes me up.
The 24/7 news cycle is feeding me nothing but Micheal Jackson, Micheal Jackson, Micheal Jackson..............
It was a 102 degrees yesterday, it is supposed to be 103 degrees today.
I walk into the kitchen and the coffee maker is empty and not ready to brew.
Muddy raccoon prints are all over the floor and the cat food is gone, somebody left the cat door open.
I spent three times as much on a new mattress yesterday as a reasonable person should and it was a bargain.
Did I mention the only news is only all about Michael Jackson?
What's happening in Iran?
So what is enhancing your life these days?
Oh dear. I sympathize.
Enhancing my life? Using my Lab as a pillow out in the backyard grass while reading an old and irrelevant novel and sparing a few thoughts for the watermelon in the fridge.
My car dash thermoneter said 107 when I went to the post office awhile ago. Which explains why I actually did, slightly, burn my hands on the seatbelt buckle and the steering wheel.
I like TStock's plan. It's only 98 or so in the shade, which is tolerable for my eveningly ceegar. And some Dickel. or a 'tini. And I'm still on Cheever, reading him only when I'm having a pretty good day, otherwise his "realism" is so bleak it makes me want to shoot myself in the head.
Hey, y'all reprobates come read and critique my seminary application essay ...
I tried my hammock out at about noon today. I lasted about 30 seconds. A 20 mph wind was blowing. Do you realize that after about 96 degrees F that wind adds to the heat index rather than takes away from it? Temp was 100 degrees and heat index was 106 degrees. Heat index/wind chill used to be called "sensitive temperature". That was a much better name because wind chill has a lot to do with moister and heat index does too. I mean some places today had record high dewpoints. Even had "heat fogs" in SE Missouri.
It was mean here today and yet there were only 9 heat related incidents that required ambulances.
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