Friday, November 14, 2008

Tales of the "Drive About": ONE

On The Road, nope can't use that one, let's see, OK, during my drive about...that's it tales of the "drive about". Sounds kind of Aussie like, but what the hey.

So I huff and I puff my way with two bags and a computer up the flight of stairs to our second floor hotel room. Look at the view, she says. I do like she says. That's what I do you know, what she says that is.

The view to the East is of two mountains. The one over the bougainvillea (red flowers) is Mount San Jacinto.

The one between the fan palm fronds is Mount San Gorgonio.
Sometime 36 to 38 years ago I climb to the top of both of these mountains. They are about 10,000 and 11,000 feet. She and I backed packed up and spent the night on each of these peaks. I always did delight in following her up the trail when she was wearing her short shorts.
It is only 1,200 feet here at the hotel and we are both resting a bit before we go back down the one flight of stairs and get the rest of the baggage.


  1. My old stomping grounds extended to those monntains and Joshua Tree. Never climbed San Jacinto. Enjoy the warmth on your old bones, Prez.

  2. Joshua Tree, yes, took a geography group to camp there once.
    The old bones and joints do like the heat and the sinuses love the dry.
