Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tales of the "Drive About":TWO....Don't Tread On Me

The flag above was flying by a small New Mexico cafe high on the Great Divide of America.
In their forties, fifties maybe, dressed in ball caps (one said 'Idaho' across the front) and old denim jackets eating their pie and drinking coffee, the conversation went something like this (Parts are gone, couldn't hear it all):
Can you beleive all the man for sure....Obama won't get much done...want to help make him fail.... somthing like war ...for sure....Militias are recruiting like the devil......gad damn fools....McVeigh was just the first...I feel sorry for Oklahoma...that's really where it started you know...yes it was....those teddy bears on that fence...Pogo....yes....if it weren't for the winters, I'd just stay up here....why AK-47s...good for nothin else....those old fools...stupid f***s...want some of my apple pie....
Then they noticed that I seemed to be listening, turned their heads and lowered their voices.


  1. If that guy in the 'Idaho' hat had tobacco stains down his flannel shirt, bourbon on the breath and a 4 day beard....I may know him....

  2. Yeah, he looked familiar to me too.
