Somebody somewhere probably has already thought this one up but I'll throw it out on the web anyway.
It is now believed that 0.4% of the cosmos is composed of the stars, planets, and other objects we see. Also 3.6% is composed of gases and such that we can also see or detect. The remaining 94% is composed of Dark Matter (23%) and Dark Energy (73%). That is the stuff that is not seen or detected.
What is that Dark Stuff, why it is all them photons. It must be. I mean we can't see that 4% until a photon hits it and then the photon must travel all the way from there to here to be seen. Doesn't that mean that there are photons going all over the place in every direction all the time. Space has to be full of these durn things. Dark matter and Dark Energy are Photons. After all you can't detect a photon until it hits some of the 4% so it all makes sense in the Occam sort of way. 96% of the Cosmos/Universe is composed of photons. We can't see them because they are to us kind of like air was to the ancient Egyptians, unknown except when it hit something.
Of course we aren't really sure what photons are otherwise except that if Dark Matter and Dark Energy are Photons then Photons are about three quarters energy and one quarter matter.
Now that is two hypothesises for the price of one.
Drlobojo Hypot-one
Drlobojo Hypot-two
More will come I bet you.
Dang it, it has already be considered:
No Nobel prize for this idea, it seems they have already weighed in the Photons a.k.a. "The bath of light" and "background radiation" into their equations. Well of course they did. Wait a minute, how did they know the mass and energy of the photon?
So quantum physics has it all figured out about light. Then what is that 96 %?
Is it a bath or a shower of photons, how about a pea soup of photons.
Is the sphere of the cosmos filled with photons? How do images get transmitted? Do they send a photon from the sun to my eye or do photons packed side by side (so to speak) transmit energy from one to another from the sun to my eye?
You know, if the universe is packed full of photons then the phrase, "Let there be light." takes on a whole new meaning.
OK, so I didn't read further on before commenting. Cool stuff
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