An open letter to the children of my Oklahoma friends and neighbors....
My fellow Oklahomans, on your way to the internal screams of battle and a boring sandy mind numbing hell, please go into this with your eyes opened to the paradox of your deployment.

Consider that Bush-Cheney-Rove have shat upon the Veterans of my war, the Vietnam War to gain personal power for themselves.
Consider that they could even drive a wedge between the Vets from Nam, see swift boat stuff.
Consider that what ever their spin, they were cowards and avoided the unpopular war.
Consider that they would "out" or let be "outed" a whole secret CIA operation countering weapons of mass destruction to discredit one of their political critics.
Consider that losing three out of four limbs in Nam is not enough of a hero for them, that they won't lie through their teeth about him, see Max Clealand.
Consider that having the shit beat out of you in a North Vietnam prison is not enough to be a hero in their eyes.
Consider that they are willing to torture the innocent and the guilty and won't listen to military veterans who say that is no more than sadism and does nothing for intelligence.
Consider that your Commander in Chief is a hypocrite, a lire, and self serving to the n'th degree.
Now consider, what do you expect out of these people.
Don't be fooled by the accolades you are receiving now.
Don't be blinded by the shinny bling and the flying flags.
Don't be fooled that any of these people care a whit about you at all.
They are already lying about you. When you come home and are unemployed, you won't even be counted in the unemployment statistics. If you die there your body will be snuck back into the country under the cover of darkness.
If you get PTSD while in country you will probably be sent home with general discharge and no veterans benefits.
And on and on and so forth....
My fellow Oklahomans, on your way to the internal screams of battle and a boring sandy mind numbing hell, please go into this with your eyes opened to the paradox of your deployment.
Consider that Bush-Cheney-Rove have shat upon the Veterans of my war, the Vietnam War to gain personal power for themselves.
Consider that they could even drive a wedge between the Vets from Nam, see swift boat stuff.
Consider that what ever their spin, they were cowards and avoided the unpopular war.
Consider that they would "out" or let be "outed" a whole secret CIA operation countering weapons of mass destruction to discredit one of their political critics.
Consider that losing three out of four limbs in Nam is not enough of a hero for them, that they won't lie through their teeth about him, see Max Clealand.
Consider that having the shit beat out of you in a North Vietnam prison is not enough to be a hero in their eyes.
Consider that they are willing to torture the innocent and the guilty and won't listen to military veterans who say that is no more than sadism and does nothing for intelligence.
Consider that your Commander in Chief is a hypocrite, a lire, and self serving to the n'th degree.
Now consider, what do you expect out of these people.
Don't be fooled by the accolades you are receiving now.
Don't be blinded by the shinny bling and the flying flags.
Don't be fooled that any of these people care a whit about you at all.
They are already lying about you. When you come home and are unemployed, you won't even be counted in the unemployment statistics. If you die there your body will be snuck back into the country under the cover of darkness.
If you get PTSD while in country you will probably be sent home with general discharge and no veterans benefits.
And on and on and so forth....
The point is simple: Your duty is your duty.
You took an oath to do it.
So do it.
Do it well.
Do it with pride.
But never believe you will be respected or loved for doing it. As an example, remember how much glory the soldiers who fought against the Red Army in Siberia received when they came home in 1920.
What you have never heard of them?
See if you can find a monument to the cold warriors who died flying secret mission over the Soviet Union in the 1950s.
And so forth and so on.......
It is not the mission, it is the duty.
The mission is a job.
Duty is your honor.
These dorks in the administration are cowards and users. They are using you and squandering your duty.
Don't expect more from them. To them heroes are a stumbling blocks to their goals.
Stick close your buddies and close to your families and expect little from anyone else.
Most, but not all, Oklahomans will support you and love you.
When you look into the mirror and wonder who that is you see there, remember that at your home in Oklahoma your are still loved and welcomed.
You will be welcomed home here.
Come back to us.
I salute you.
Duty yes. And certainly come back to us.
BTW what do you think of pacifists? I am not considering becoming one, but I am having a hard time understanding them. Any suggestions?
Well I have a two fold answer.
As far as Nam goes, I have four "friends" from that time that didn't volunteer or get drafted and go. They took different routes.
One believed the war was illegal and immoral, but did not claim to be a religious based pacifist and wouldn't go when drafted. He spent two years in a federal prison for his beliefs and that record has haunted him his whole life. I honor him, and his courage and convictions. He is a brave man.
One left the U.S. and migrated to Canada and has never come back home since. I think he was dumb but exhibited some courage in what he did.
One, when the draft loomed, became a preacher, got married and had a kid instantly to get a differment. Him, I have no truck with and do not care to ever talk with him again.
One, went into the Army National Guard. Back then they were not deployed to Nam and knew they would not be. In Oklahoma you had to have high influence to get into the guard. He was a coward. Unlike the other three friends who paid some degree of pain and anguish, he got a free ride with pay and safety. It is not like that now of course. My blog is specifically to my friends in the 45th National Guard of Oklahoma. But back then...well I have already used the "C" word.
Second level:
For those who for a reason of faith declare to be Pacifist I have no problem, if in fact they come from a religious community that believes in that fashion.
For those who might be recent converts for this one benifit, well (see above). Remember the primary function of a soldier is to kill.
That helps. You see ever since high school I have had a desire to serve my country. I've come close 3 times. The last being shortly after the World Trade Center terrorist attack. While saying that, I've never actually joined, not because I didn;t want to but mainly because for me the timing was not right.
Some of my best friends have served in the current war in Iraq. I support them (not always their government, but that is another story). But I do not want to be see as a bloodthirsty somebody or a warmonger. I think (obviously, int theory) that war is not a good thing. however, I have some friends who because of the current situation have become pacifists. So, I want to be loyal to my country and loyal to the those who have served for my freedom, and at the same time not be a war hawk or make it look like I love war.
So, i am conflicted. But what you said has helped me. I don't want to be a coward. And I know I am (not because I am not in the military, that could have been arranged). I should be more bold in life in general.
And hey, thanks for your service. It may seem trite and shallow, but I am truly grateful for all those who have served in my place.
Pechur given your current mission I would state again
The only reason a soldier exist is to kill. All the other discriptors are window dressing and rationale. The military is a system of death dealing used to augment the political structure of a government.
That is not a condemnation but a true description. You do not seem like you would want to be a killer. I can not recommend it to anyone, and I will not (can not) condemn anyone who choses to serve that way. I was regular Army and I fullfilled my purpose, but .....
" a system of dealing used to augement the political structure..."
Never thought it about that way.
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