Thursday, September 13, 2007

Till The Cows Come Home

The thing to understand about Ferroequinologist is that they will stand by the empty rail road track for a very long time waiting for the train.

Out in La Veta Colorado this summer I did exactly that. There was a tourist train due to come into town at 12:00 noon.

So I went out to the west of town found me a spot over the tracks near a dairy farm and waited. Knowing that the train didn't keep a good schedual, I wasn't worried that it didn't show on time. My wife was patient and started her a nap in the car.

Two hours later, my wife's nap and patience were both over.

Then I noticed that the dairy cows that had been all over the pasture had formed themselves into a line and were headed down the hill to the barn below me.

I had waited for the train, "until the cows came home."

Even I thought , "that's enough".

The train, I found out later, had been cancelled for that day.

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