This is not my friend Dolly.
There is a store in NYC. One to which I will not probably ever go. It is my kind of store. Truely, it speaks to me. My friend Dolly the Mize, was with me once when I bought a jar of long blond human hair at an "antique" store. She has made that one of her landmark stories when it comes to strange behavior. Of course I knew exactly why I needed a jar of long blond hair. I used it along with some pig-skin-rawhide to create realistic scalps to adorn my replica Comanche Spear and a Mandan Shield which had constructed from material as close to original as I could get. One scalp was srtung up on a little hoop of willow and the other 3 were folded and hung like decorations on the shield. After she had told my entire office staff about my purchase I had to, of course, take the finished "scalps" to the office and let people see the end products lest they think me too strange. I can not say they were well received.

So as you can see, when I saw this shop OBSCURA ANTIQUES & ODDITIES being advertised for a show on television I had to watch.

Here check out part of one episode yourself:
Click this >>>>Oddities Videos

I like the one about the stuffed four footed chicken that used her front claws to shoot marbles in a freak show. Their are several other on the site, They are all worth while, at least from my perspective they are.

Indulge & Enjoy!
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