Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why Is a Saudi Prince the Second Biggest Fox News Shareholder

Prince Alalweed bin Talal is the second largest owner of News Corp including Fox News.The Prince of course is Part of the ruling family of Saudi Arabia. Thus the Saudis have direct influence to all of the Fox News audience. Do they use it? If you were them would you? Not all conspiracies are theories (love that line). What would do to double the price of gasoline? Have the U.S. start a war with your oil competitor Iran? Want to keep yourself between the U.S. and other Muslim countries, have the U.S. alienate itself from them by showing their anti- Islamic bent?

Check out this interview from Business Week

A Q&A with Prince Alalweed bin Talal
(The Saudi prince on Citigroup, News Corp., Obama, taxes, and terrorism )

"You're a huge investor in News Corp. (NWS) Are you confident about its future?I'm the second-biggest shareholder there. I was with Mr. Murdoch yesterday and have a very close relationship with Mr. James Murdoch. James is now managing Europe and Asia. I would be the first one to nominate him to be the successor of Mr. Rupert Murdoch, God forbid something happens. I have full trust in him. He is really a Rupert Murdoch in the making, and he's almost there. And I told that to Mr. Murdoch"

So how's that chain yanking by a Saudi Prince feeling?

You know the Saudis could double the price of oil if the U.S. went to war with it competitor Iran?

You know if the Saudis could discredit the U.S. in the eyes of the other Muslim countries they could still be our best friends in the Muslim world. How about showing off America's anti Islam nature?

Now what can you imagine they might use the platform to accomplish?

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