Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Icons-Iconoclast-Iconoronism : Reflection on the deaths of Steinbrenner and Jackson

While reflecting on the deaths of George Steinbrenner and Michael Jackson I was reminded of two elements that actual made them what they were and are and will be. 1. The new era of visual communication outside of the alphabet. 2. The need of all of us to undermine and subvert the order of our times.
George and Michael were animated organic Graffiti for the masses. Icons performing the iconoclastic function necessary for iconoronism.

Pictorial representations of objects, important not only for aesthetic reasons as part of the visual identity of a program, but also for utilitarian reasons as shorthand for conveying meaning that users perceive almost instantaneously.
--Windows Vista Instructions

Warhol by Ron English

Iconoclasts: [French iconoclaste, from Medieval Greek eikonoklastēs, smasher of religious images, eikono-, icono-, + Greek -klastēs, breaker (from Greek klān, klas-, to break).]
One who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions.
One who destroys sacred religious images.

The United Steaks of America by Dominic Episcopo

The original iconoclast were Christians who went around with hammers breaking up Greek religious alters and Pagan idols. Later, they were again Christians, who wandered around breaking up Christians alters and Christian Idols. Still later they were Muslims blowing up Buddhist Idols in Afghanistan.

big eye marilyn with mickeys by Ron English

by Max Papeschi

by Ron English

loch ness starry night by Ron English

by Max Papeschi

Unicorn Meat available at Think Geek for $9.95 plus shipping

by Ron English

mcbigboy at bigben by Ron English

by Max Papeschi

By Ron English

By Max Papeschi

by Max Papeschi

Abraham Obama by Ron English

"We all know that many cultural figures have been lauded for their iconoclasm. they are said to be abrasive and ironic about society, life, people, values, and institutions. they undermine, counter, subvert, question, and/or mock all things that we take for granted as conventional wisdom or truth. yet, such ironists have, ironically, become icons either thru their own design/intention or by the adulation of their fans, among whom are many influential figures who control the cultural institutions. this is both amusing and distressing. how is it that these figures who are admired for their iconoclasm have become surrounded by a new kind of iconography. instead of serving as models, they serve as giants or gods. by looking up to them, it's as though we don't have to ironic or iconoclastic ourselves on an individual basis. instead, we can just slavishly rely on the Great Maverick to do the rebelling, questioning, and subverting for us."

Looking for a single portal to the world of the visuals pictured above try : The Jailbreak

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