Other countries require remote control emergency cut off valves on deep water oil wells. We don't? No Emergency Cutoff!
Oh sure they they had a BOP (Blow Out Prevention) System. Every jake leg wildcatter has one on their wells. BUT, it didn't work and won't work even now.
What the F----, why no emergency shut down?
This is being ignored by damn near everybody. How and the hell could they even dream about drilling a well like this without multiple redundant safety systems???????
You can smell the oil in Baton Rouge this morning!
I'm sorry to hear that. Problem is it has no where to go but WORSE, at least for a few weeks. As you know we were going to stop over on the Gulf beaches in a few weeks. I guess we may not do that after all. Of course we could go down there just to see the disaster.
That's what we hear. People here are getting worried about it. There's a lot of talk and linking on Facebook by my smarter local friends.
Also, LSU has sent out annoucements of a forum about it.
This incident ticks me off. It is going to ruin my old stomping grounds for anyone else to enjoy.
The Right Wing is really going wacky with this. This is too damn critical for the idiots to mess with.
This may not be a problem that can be undone. We may simply suffer the results. We just aren't ready for that kind of thing. We can't believe we just f...d up completely. Somebody else must be responsible. Every time we fill up our gas tank we are all responsible.
I can't wait till the oil slick starts fouling icebergs.
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