Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wall Street (Goldman Sachs) Versus The Tea Parties

Just an Observation:
Having watched the CSPAN testimony of the Goldman Sach's henchman about their labyrinth of deals and deals within deals and making bets on assets after sabotaging those asset so they fail and bribing other clients to bet on them so they could short their positions and sell their toxic assets to even different clients...etc. etc. etc...with sour contempt on their faces at the "ignorance' of the Senators, I have to note that the simplistic positions of the educated white middle class middle aged Tea Party members are from a different universe.

Wall Street Gobbledygook Vs. Tea Party certainties....

Wall Streeter's neck tie Vs. a Tea Partier's Sunday-go-to-meeting best suit.....

Wall Street's 10,000 page briefing book sitting on the table at the hearings and used in their testimony Vs. the Tea Partier's hand made sign "I want my Country Back".....

Wall Street's conceit and condescension Vs. The Tea Party superiority and aggressive demands....

Wall Street's Billions on Billions Vs. The Tea Party's nickles and dimes....

Wall Street's stealth Vs. The Tea Party's circus.....

Ah, America,
My America,
Forever in turmoil and conflict,
My America....

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