Monday, January 25, 2010

Padre Island Driveabout

Drove three miles along the beach yesterday. Stopped and watched the ocean life every once-in-a-while. Mostly sat and watched and listened to the waves as a Texas sand storm from the North blew sand dirrectly into them as they crashed along the shore. Kind of empty.
Today we drove 12 miles on the beach. Stopped along the way to collect shells and take pictures.
It was facinating.


  1. Drive on the beach? Yes, weird isn't it.

    You can't drive on the beaches in the National Park section or where endangered species are located.
    The beaches are on the Gulf side of the barrier islands that stretch along the entire Texas coast. It is not as strange as it sounds in that for many of the islands there are no roads and the beaches have been the routes of travel for ever. They are hard packed sand/silt in most places.

    It is a fascinating experience. Although driving around on the sand in a Mercury Grand Marquis seemed to irritate some of the 4x4 vehicle drivers somewhat.

    In truth, the beaches were much easier driving than many of the section line roads in Oklahoma.

  2. I might add, that driving "off-road" or "off beach as it were" on any of the sand dunes, or tidal grass areas or swamp areas is illegal.
