Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where In The World Is This?

I took these last year. Where were they taken do you think?





BB-Idaho said...

What-no clues? OK
1. South of Katmandu?
2. Captital rotunda, Missouri?
3. Nootka Sound?

drlobojo said...

No,no,and no.
They are all in California.

drlobojo said...

So, no players except BB-I heh?
1. Wall of Mission Inn in Rivirerside, Calif.

2. Dinning room's dome and occulus at Mission Inn.

3. Tuffa towers at Mono Lake, Calif.

Well it was just an excuse to post some neat pictures anyway.

BB-Idaho said...

Even with the 'all in Cal' clue, they were difficult. I suspected
salt precipitate that looked like iceburgs, but Tufa towers evaded me. (have not been back to the Golden State since the traffic jam
encountered in '78) In fairness,
Katmandu & Nootka are beyond my
range as wel....