Thursday, November 12, 2009

A JTB Posting: Cozy Dog

It's about time for me to step in and post something sane again I think.
So let me show you the birth place of the corn dog as we know it.

Fatman and I were in Springfield, Illinois last month where we met up with Dr. Lobo who was on sabatical or some such thing.

Dr.Lobo has this thing about Route 66. Thus he met us at a famous Route 66 landmark, the Cozy Dog, to eat. So I got a lecture on the origin of Route 66 and the corn dog on a stick.

Enlarge this picture by clicking on it if you can't read it otherwise. Notice however that the real home of the corn dog was Muskogee, Oklahoma!!!!

OK, even though it was breakfast, Dr. Lobo insisted we all eat a Cozy Dog.

And so I did.

There was Cozy Dog stuff all over the place. Stain Glass Cozy Dogs.

Look at all of this stuff.

Can you really imagine two corn dogs driving a car.

Fatman even took my picture with the Cozy Dogs.

Of course there was a lot of Route 66 memorabilia as well.

Say weren't these guys from Oklahoma.

The root beer was pretty good, but I got some like it at Pop's in Arcadia this summer.

All these car tags remind me of Dr. Lobo's shack-store-studio or what ever it is.

So why the books?

Well, if you are driving along Route 66 and wake up in Springfield, I recommend eating at the Cozy Dog!


  1. Junior! How nice to see a post for you. I wish I'd been with you.

  2. Hi CR, glad you've found me over her on old Lobo's blog. I wish had been there with me too. You are more fun to travel with than Fatman and Dr. Lobo talks all the time we are with him too.
    --Junior the Bear

  3. Hi, Junior! It's so good to see you! That looks like a fun place.

  4. Well now Junior what a great post. So I guess I won't have bother posting my pictures and story about the Cozy Dog Cafe now.

    So why don't you post this over on YOUR blog?

    Say, one bit of infor you left out from my "lecture" was the fact that they are called "cozy" dogs because the are surrounded with a cozy covering sort of like the quilted cover that keeps a tea pot warm when it is on the table.
