Thursday, August 6, 2009

Being Anti-Hispanic is not Being Anti-Hispanic, Old White Boys Contend


Sonia Sotomayor is now the first Hispanic, the third woman, and the third person of color ever to be appointed to the SCOTUS. Vote was 68 to 31. Both Oklahoma Senators voted against her. Both Arizona Senators voted against her. Those 31 boys and girls voting against her will be remembered come November 2010. Indeed they will even be remembered, even if they are not running. Their endorsement of others in the House will be an anathema to Hispanic voters. They will try to explain away their sin, but it won't work. The 31 Senators were very stupid to do this. In the next 14 months they may be a whole lot more Hispanics become eligible to vote than they have guessed there would be. This is a culture that does not take insults easily and does not forget those who give them.

As an extra observation, with this obtuse Republican anti-Obama vote on a SCOTUS appointee, Obama is now completely free to appoint whomever he pleases next time. He owes bi-partisanship no more lip service or deference. It is a waste of time. Within two years, bi-partisan will mean working with and between the blue and yellow dogs to get stuff done. The Republicans are slipping into Whigdom.

Senate poised to make history with Sotomayor vote

WASHINGTON — Sonia Sotomayor stands on the verge of making history as the Supreme Court's first Hispanic justice, despite staunch opposition from Republicans who call her ill-suited for the bench.

The Democratic-led Senate is set to vote Thursday to confirm President Barack Obama's high court nominee, a 55-year-old appeals court judge of Puerto Rican descent who was raised in a New York City housing project, educated in the Ivy League and served 17 years on the federal bench.

Sotomayor picked up more GOP support Wednesday even as nearly three-quarters of the Senate's 40 Republicans said they would vote "no" and contended she would bring liberal bias and personal sympathies to her decisions. With all Democrats expected to back her, she has more than enough votes to be confirmed, barring a surprise turn of events, in one of the Senate's last actions before it breaks for the summer...."

Poised to make history, in many more ways than one.

How to f... away five States: 30 Republicans in the Senate just don't get it. After watching two Senators talking about Sotomayor make racist fools out of themselves while trying to at the same time say I am not a racist fool, I have to say , DUFASS! Do they think that the Spanish Language stations won't trot out the video tape of them voting against a Hispanic next election cycle? Have they no shame in saying how much they admire the lady and then basically calling her a racist, and proving that they are one?

Basically what they are saying, and what the population of color in America is hearing is that only a white male can make racial pure judgements. They are saying, that if you are an ethnic judge you should not encourage others of you race to aspire to the bench or you will be a racist.

Then the grey haired old white fools point to her work for the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund. The last I heard Puerto Rica was part of America. Would they be upset if she had served on the board of the Texas Legal Defense fund?

These actions alone will cost four or five Red States their Republican status. Lord how dumb can you get?

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