Friday, July 24, 2009

Join The John Spruce Society

In a previous post about the Gates arrest I called the conflicts on the money.

As I said in my comments section:
"Since I posted this three days ago, just about everything I said would happen has happened. Am I prescience? No, it comes from three decades as a professional standing in the middle between Blacks and Whites in the academic world and listening to their biased bullshit from both sides.Just as soon as you question any conclusion from either side you become a "racist". Then you, rather than they, are the problem.Thus, for all of you who have tried to be "reasonable" and found yourself pissed on from both sides may I recommend to you membership in the John Spruce Society for radical middle of the road advocates. To join simply reply to this call on this post and join this intrepid group of true Americans. No dues either."

So, what is the John Spruce Society?
The Society was created by Howard Campbell Jr. who has been immortalized by Kurt Vonnegut in his book Mother Night. The Society was named after Private John Spruce who was killed at Check Point Charlie in Berlin early in the Cold War by being run over by a tank while standing in the middle of the road. The Society is for those who find that their positions on subjects place them in the middle of the road with a large probability of becoming ROAD KILL.

I would like to extend a special invitation to join our Society to Mika Brzezinski on MSNBC's Morning Joe program who this morning got run over from both directions for trying to make sense out of the testosterone battle between two idiots up in Boston.

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