Saturday, January 24, 2009

Security: Our Kabuki Dance With Death

Having been involved in the aftermath of the terrorist bombing in OKC and many of the ice storms or tornadoes in Oklahoma, it is almost like we are trained to function without the power grid and supply system for a couple of weeks. We personally have at least two weeks of non-cook food available. We keep at least two land line phones that work without electricity. Our home heat does not need electricity to work (a heat-coupling on the furnace generates micro-voltage to control the unit).

Our current 'homeland' national security is a kabuki dance with death. It is 90% show and even the substance that is there is outdated. What we need is good criminal police work on an international level. How about some elemental security like burying the com/data systems, scanning all shipping containers, installing the Israeli 'passengers who fly' program. Patrolling the rivers and checking the boats and ships there on.

I spent a week wandering along the entire Oregon Coast last Summer. There is no visable security there. Only saw two cops patrolling the highway and no, none, nada, Coast Guard.

The Feds can't completely shut down the com systems during a terror attack to keep the bad guys from talking to each other as they say they would . Many of those com systems in operation are outside any control by the U.S., satellite com for example. Even so doing so, they would step on their own toes.

The next attack will be biological. That or maybe an atomic device. Shit, just blow up the old abandoned nuclear fuel processing plants spread around the States. Now don't think the bad guys haven't thought about that.

I used to talk to a friend,the husband of a TSA official, about the geographic and transportation weakness of the city they lived in. He asked how I would take down the city. I told him, and I haven't heard from him since. We are scared shit less of our own shadows and our own people, and up till now, our own government. Too much television I guess.

We act as though we are weak and defenseless. It is not hardly the case. We can be stupid however.


  1. Railroad car graffiti..kind of makes one wonder; ever notice how many tank cars of chlorine, hydrochloric acid, ammonia roll by?
    Through downtown? If they can't keep the 'artists' away, can they
    protect hazardous rolling stock?

  2. Several years ago, I heard a Santa Fe R.R. cop tell a story about finding new graffiti sprayed on the side of a car in the "white train" carrying atomic warheads east out of Texas.
    That was before 9-11, but......
