Sunday, November 2, 2008

Vote Our Values: False Witness In Jesus' Name

Are You A Values Voter?

First, view this video:

Rousing and Magnificent Propaganda!

Then ponder the "Law":

Exodus 23:1"Do not spread false reports. Do not help a wicked man by being a malicious witness."

Deuteronomy 19:18 "The judges must make a thorough investigation, and if the witness proves to be a liar, giving false testimony against his brother,Deuteronomy 19:17-19 (in Context)"

Psalm 27:12 "Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, breathing out violence.Psalm 27:11-13 (in Context) "

Then read their position on Obama /McCain.

Protecting Infants born alive: Opposes (A False Witness)

Prohibiting Partial Birth Abortion: Opposes (A False Witness)

Constitutional Right to Abortion: Supports ( It is the Constitutional Law of The United States)

Nominate Pro-Life Supreme Court Justices: Opposes (assumed)

Teaching Homosexuality in Public Schools: Supports (False Witness)

Federal Protection of Traditional Marriage: Opposes (False Witness)

Homosexual Adoption: Supports

Protecting Infants born alive: Supports

Prohibiting Partial Birth Abortion: Supports

Constitutional Right to Abortion: Opposes (If So, he would not be able to take the oath of office. except with his fingers crossed)

Nominate Pro-Life Supreme Court Justices: Supports

Teaching Homosexuality in Public Schools: Opposes

Federal Protection of Traditional Marriage: Supports

Homosexual Adoption: Opposes


Is it Christian to knowingly swear False Witness on four out seven positions held by a man and ignore the reality of one? Is it Christian to lie to yourself to such an extent that you believe you own lies?

Is it Christian not to pay taxes and yet demand that your position become the law of the land?

Here is what they are doing.

"Show this Video at your Church!7,000+ Churches have downloaded in 10 days!It's estimated that several million Christians will watch the video this Sunday at Churches across America!
How can I show this video in my Church?Call your Pastor today and tell him that your Church needs to show this video on Sunday morning! We need to inspire others to VOTE VALUES on November. 4th! Then proceed to download the high-resolution video."

"Is it Legal to show the Video in Church?Yes. This video does not violate 501-c3 laws because it does not endorse a political candidate. The purpose of the video is to demonstrate there are more concerning issues at stake during this election other than gas prices and the economy."

Orwell really had the "Double Think" thing down did he not.
Who's Values are these really?
Thanks to for the source and information
My daughter has sent me an antidote for all of the soul pollution above. Check it out:


  1. The lectionary reading today could not have been more timely: Matthew 23: 1-12.

  2. Gak. They need a history lesson and better reading comprehension skils.

  3. Many years back, I used to watch Oral Roberts on TV and chuckle.
    He, Dobson, Haggee, Robertson and their ilk are still funny, but in a scary way.....
