Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Blue Star Mother Cindy McCain Goes on Attack

You know McCain is not wrong about everything. Remember when he got mad at his wife when she referred to his thinning hair thing and he had a temper fit and called her a very demeaning word? After hearing about what she did today, I think he might have right about that after all.


Cindy McCain Goes on Attack, Too

Elizabeth Holmes reports from Bethlehem, Pa. on the presidential race.

Cindy McCain got in on the attack action Wednesday while introducing her husband, Republican presidential nominee John McCain, at a rally here.
Sarah Palin and Cindy McCain at a rally at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa, Wednesday.

The mother of four, including two sons in the military, challenged Democrat Barack Obama to “change shoes” for a day. “The day that Sen. Obama decided to cast a vote to not fund my son when he was serving sent a cold chill through my body,” she said
McCain’s charge is based on a single vote Obama cast as a senator. called the claim “misleading” based on the fact that Obama voted in favor of troop funding on 10 different occasions. The only time he voted against it was a vote in which President Bush vetoed a version that included a date for withdrawal.......

See the whole story almost anywhere on the web. Say didn't McCain do the same thing? Maybe his vote against troop funding was just symbolic.

Everyday, there seems to be more of this stuff.

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