Thursday, October 30, 2008

Burroitos Are America's Hope

In honor of the Democrats Donkey I'm publishing some of my wild burro pics from Nevada this August. Yes, it was hot about 106 degrees. Yes, it was dry. All good democratic weather.

Enlarge this picture and take a look at this old leader of the herd. He is cut and scared and scraped, the result of many old wounds. Look at those jaws. Vegetarian though he be, I'll bet his bite would be very bad. Those muscled withers probably have delivered many a lethal kick.

It is so hot that the herd about a half mile away is almost obscured by the heat's waves.

Getting close to them takes time and a slow pace.

But in their center is the burro-itos. The little burros.

In a herd of 16, there are just two burro-itos. It's a tough life.
Even these two may not make it through the winter. It is all about the burro-itos.
Sometimes we forget that.


  1. OK< alright before some knowledgable person out there corrects me, those are not withers I was referring to they are his quarters.

  2. I would be the last to correct, 'wither' those are quarters...or fetlocks, even...
