Friday, October 10, 2008

After The Cat Is Out Of Bag

McCain: Obama is not ‘an Arab’
October 10th, 2008 – 5:46 PM
by Pat Doyle
"Gayle Quinnell, 75, of Shakopee, approached McCain near the end of his hour long give and take with the crowd and told him she didn’t trust his opponent Barack Obama because “he’s an Arab.”

McCain shook his head and, taking the microphone from her, said “no, ma’am. He’s a decent family man, citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues.”
After the town hall meeting, Quinnell elaborated on her position in talking to reporters.

“I don’t trust Barack Obama because he’s an Arab,” she said. “He’s a Muslim. I’m afraid if he ever got to be president what would happen to this country.”.....

----Minneapolis Star Tribune

So McCain tried to catch the Cat that he let out of the bag. Can't do it John. You're too old and Sarah wants to let it run free anyway.

But say, my friend, why did you have to go and alienate the entire Arab World, and a chunk of America while you did it?
I note, "...he's an Arab." "No ma'am, He's a decent family man, citizen...."
Translation: Arabs are not decent family men and citizens.

Of course he didn't mean to say that. But he did. But that is not what he meant! But that is the way it will be heard.

And by the way John, your own crowd boo'd you. Even after correcting Ms. Quinnell she went outside and repeated it again to the media. John, you're going to get mighty tired trying to catch this cat.

By the way John on CNN I just heard one of your supporters compare William Ayers to Tim McVeigh. Are you insane? Have your people lost their minds? Do you not know what you are releasing? On second thought, John you better get out there and catch that cat no matter what it cost you.

For any of you out there that didn't live through both the Ayers time and the McVeigh time read up on it below. Compared to McVeigh, Ayers was a country gentleman.

Tim McVeigh:

Bill Ayers:

Mean people suck! Ignorant people kill.


  1. There is an interesting followup & interview about the lady who thought Obama was an Arab here:
