Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Investment Bank & Insurance Underwriter For Sale: Fixer Upper


"XYZ" Investment Bank and Insurance Underwriter for Sale. Definite "fixer upper" for taxpayer based buyers. Assume hundred billion dollar debt and this can be yours. Earning potential uncertain, but the wealth of the Earth is at stake if you don't buy it. Call 112-358- 1321 or www./damnfool.shit


  1. Some years back, the company I worked for was bought by Lehman Brothers. Their intent was to hold, take profits, then sell at a higher price. Done all the time, as we know. Our Division president flew back to meet with them on Wall Street. He, a bright engineer, had gone up the ranks over 25 years..and he was a savy fellow. But, he was shaken and on his return, noted that he met with a 23 year old Pakistani Harvard MBA who was uninterested in the product, the manufacture, or the marketing. (Known nowdays as mfg
    metrics). We were to invest nothing, cut costs and send them
    profits until they found a buyer.
    And so we did for four long years.
    Gee, I'd sure like to feel sorry for Lehman Bros. :) I bid the same amount as I bid on meeting with GW. C'mon over for beans and franks....

  2. Hot Damn! I just bought AIG! No Shit! Well, me and the rest of the United States Tax payers. I'm paying $285 towards my share of AIG. That's $85 billion for a "bridge loan". Guess what though. If AIG doesn't make it, we get to keep it.

  3. Golly, all the taxcuts for the rich worked out swell....

  4. Uh oh, wait a minute, The major stockholders of the AIG (its CEO and other big dogs) think AIG is worth MORE than $85 Billion and may not ACCEPT the "bridge loan".
    What? They can a better deal??????
    Naw, they want golden parachutes. They want their rewards for failing. Dear God, talk about clueless. What's next?
    Thank God my Insurance Company and my main retirement fund have nothing to do with AIG. Both are listed with triple A (AAA) rating today with excellent capitalization (CASH AVAILABLE) to pay out current obligations. I voted on the Turtles and won this time.

    Right now the market is about to close DOWN 300 plus points. I think I'll go down to my local speakeasy with my flapper and get some gin.

  5. Washington Mutual is the next bank on the hit parade. I wonder how many are going to line up like Oliver Twist, asking, "Please sir, may I have some more?"

    While on the one hand, I recognize the necessity of preventing a company as large as AIG from failing, I find it almost comical that these are the same people who brought us fake stories about "welfare queens" and who bleat about "the free market" whenever they speak in public. Yet, when their market bends them over a barrel and doesn't even say "Thanks", they run crying to their Mommy - the Fed - to call the cops. I'd feel sorry for them, but I don't.

    I do feel sorry for the people who invested in this company, and the people who trusted these morons with their money. Like you, drlobojo, I have insurance through a carrier who still has a high rating. I know because, starting last week when I first heard rumblings about AIG, I checked their website, and I check it every couple days since. I mean, at some point all this money disappearing like magic has got to hit everyone, even the sensible companies.

  6. The absolute irony in all of this is that The Bush administration is now in the process of turning private corporations into government entities. Bush is Nationalizing America.

  7. who'da thunk...GOP nationalising the banking industry...
