Thursday, September 4, 2008

Feed Me! Feed Me! Into the Daringtonia Bog and Back

What looks like a green cobra lives in a bog and eats animals alive?
No, not Yoda.
It is of course Darlingtonia.
A few weeks ago I stopped at the smallest of state parks I've ever been to.
There, I walked down a board walk to a smelly sweltering little bog hidden among the forest of the coast in Southern Oregon. At the end of the board walk was several hundred square feet of green cobra looking plants giving off a translucent glow in the sun's light.
It was Darlingtonia, the very rare in the wild, carnivorous pitcher plant.

Once they eat, they wither and die retuning their and their victims nutrients into the bog.
Here you can see the inside of a pod.
Very few people actually come to this wayside, but if you are in the neighborhood, it is well worth the time.

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