Sunday, August 24, 2008

Far From The Madding Colorado Crowd

There is fun to be had in the mountains, any time of year.

Everybody leaves Denver on Friday afternoon. Everybody returns to Denver on Sunday afternoon. Now this may not be "exactly true", but it is close enough.

So a trip from West to East on I-70 on a Sunday afternoon starts out deceptively calm enough with your normal 80 mph past the groaning truck and overloaded SUV and pickups hauling boats and shit.
The Tunnels are clear and the going is smooth until..........
Until you get about 50 miles out from Denver and then everything coagulates. All those pickups and SUVs and trucks and cars and the entire population of Denver and environs are compressed into two lanes of traffic moving from zero to maybe 15 MPH down towards Denver and home. On all side of you are mountains and trees and other natural stuff, but you are sitting in a traffic jam. We creep by Silver Plume, and on down past Georgetown. Most of the people are reading or eating or talking on their cell phones or mixing their music together through open windows and all are inhaling the Rocky Mountain air mixed with carbon monoxide and the smell of burning oils from the engines and transmissions.
Now people, I have encountered madness in may forms, but this, and the seeming acceptance of it by the participants is one of the craziest things I have ever seen.
Am I exagerating?
Has anyone else out there in ignorance trap themselves in this migration on Sunday afternoon?


  1. At the DNC?
    Naw, got out of there before that madness took over Denver.
    My contributions are too paltry to rise to the delegate level.
