Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I love toys. I was working by the time I was 10, pulling irrigation pipes, pulling bolls, chopping weeds, shooting vermin. By 14 I was working every afternoon and weekends as an electrician helper. At 16 I added early morning delivery of freight to that list. So now that I'm RETIRED, I have decided playing and toys are good for me. Actually I've been buying toys since before my first kid.

So I like to play with toys. My wife brought this one home from a school carnival that her school had. It is marvelous. I know everybody else has seen thousands of these things. I'm kind down the supply line from the sources some times.

So here is this little promotional toy fan from one of the big old super duper Oil companies here in Oklahoma City.

Now here is what the toy does:

NOTICE: (to my older friends and relatives) This is a movie punch the little triangle to play it.

NO, NO, not with your finger, put the curser arrow on top of it and left click. OK, call one of your kids in to help.

Thank you DEVON Oil Company for such a neat toy!


  1. Boy, I hate to say it, but WOW Devon! Great toy!!

  2. Wow! That is supercool. You know, Devon was looking for librarians a couple of months ago.

  3. My wife ran the "Lucky Ducky Pond" at the School Carnival. She gave away a 125 of these to people to got a lucky ducky (all of the duckies were lucky).

    Devon has been rated as one of the top five places to work in America.
    Unlike the old big oil companies in Oklahoma they are deeply involved in the OKC community and schools. They give back a lot to employees and their home town and State, and are re-investing most of their profits in "energy" not just oil. Still they are what they are.

  4. First its a fan; then more fans..
    utlimately groupies!

  5. I really like that. I kept asking myself,"How in the world did they do that?"
