Thursday, March 13, 2008

NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN: Ellis the Oracle

I have decided that this movie is a Greek morality play...maybe.
I'm working on the interpretation so indulge me for a while.
Let's start near the end.
After the Sheriff discovers that the Ghost like assassin (a shade perhaps) has gotten the money and bested him and got away, the movie cuts to his truck driving up a long road in empty country to a house setting off by itself in the absolute middle of nowhere. It turns out that the Sheriff is on a pilgrimage to his oracle to "confer" with him as to what he should do. The oracle lives alone out in this isolated place. He is The Sheriff's Uncle Ellis, who is a wheel chair bound old man. Now how do I know Ellis is an oracle. Well the name Ellis is the Anglicized version of Elijah who of course was a prophet. Then there are all those cats. The Cat Goddess of Egypt, Basset, was know as the mistress to the oracle. The Sheriff tells Uncle Ellis that he is going to retire. When the Sheriff says that he always thought that when he got older he would get closer to God. But I didn't, he says. God doesn't want me. Ellis the oracle says now you don't know what God is thinking. but that is not the oracle bit. The oracle bit comes when when Ellis is telling the Sheriff about his lawman great grandfather , I think it was, who was shot down on his own porch by five Indian outlaw types.
People like that have always been around, Ellis says, they ain't nothin new. You think they are going to wait until you catch up with them? They are not going to wait on you.

So we have the classic going to see the oracle scene. Not as interesting as say the writhing young woman oracle in the movie 300 but of the same genre.

Next time, the Fates.

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