Well having been accused over time of all of those, I now have definitive proof that I have a brain. Unlike the scarecrow there is something inside that skull besides sawdust or mush.

Getting an MRI is really Star Trek stuff. When I came home I imitated the sounds the machine made for my wife. She was not amused.

They took aout 120 scans just to prove that it all was there.

It is a wondrous thing the brain

Naw, they didn't find what they were looking for.
So I guess Ill be around a while longer.
Say next month they have scheduled a colonoscopy.
Pictures in March.
you can keep you colon pix! But it was cool seeing your brain
Lacking in neurological medical skills, I naturally consulted
..a brief review off all those brain MRIs supports your physician's conclusions. I think.
A positive second opinion is welcome. The Radiological analyst has yet to weigh in but it is not expected he/she will find anything.
My doctor asked me what I saw before he told me what he saw. I said, it looks like most of it is there.
The brain is one thing. The colon, while fascinating, is a more, um, private thing. I'll trust your testimony without any photographic evidence.
Had one about two years ago. The procedure itself isn't that big a deal, but the prep is just awful.
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