Saturday, February 9, 2008

Time For Blood Sacrifices to Nourish Liberty's Tree

Over at the Erudite Rednecks he wanted people to lists all those positive things we need to do to get America back on track. Below is what I wrote. It is only 90% a result of frustration and only 10% in jest. Lest you think I'm wierd and insane, let me assure you you are quite correct.

OK, here's what we should do.

First vote Democrat!

There are going to be a chorus of people who will begin to say, "It is a new day. Let's move on to tomorrow. Make America a better place. Forgive and forget what has happened but do it right this next time."

I say bullshit. Total stupid bullshit.That's the hogwash I heard after the Vietnam War and after Nixon's resignation. We are STILL PAYING for that Stupid Optimism, Naivete, and wish washy crap right now, this very day.

What we need is some blood sacrifices. I mean real sacrifices and real blood, but not ours.
Otherwise the Iranians, and the Saudis, and the Halliburton's and the Enron's will simply do it again. We need to indite and bring to open trial (no plea bargains allowed) all those who have criminally started, perpetuated, and profited from this current Iraqi war.

We need to place G.W. Bush under close protective house arrest on his ranch with restricted access, because he is a known colaborator with the enemy (Saudia Arabia for example) and an intellegence security risk.

We need to demand that Saudi Arabia give us a formal and direct apology for what its citizens did to us and pay us reparations in excess of 500 billion dollars or we will f..ken Nuke their oil fields up so much that they will be using ox carts for a thousand years.

We need open our borders and then to tell Mexico exactly how their economic problems are going to be solved and how they are going to kiss our ass in the mean time.

We need to take that Saudi $500 Billion, add an excise tax on everyone making over $5,000,000 a year, take back half the profits of the oil companies and use that money to double the size of our Naval forces, double the size of our Marine forces and put them on permanent disaster relief duties around the world until we need them to kill for us.

We need to move all our overseas military bases to ocean based floating cities/deployment platforms that we can move to where ever we want to.

We need to tell Cuba to come around to our way of thinking or we will simply take the land away from them.

We need to tell the Palestinians and the Israelis they have 12 months to create a lasting peace to help stabilize the middle east or we will dig a nuclear ditch around both of them and let them starve to death.

We need to tell China that this one way trade shit is over.

We need to plant multiple nukes onto few places around the world that are nuclear threats to let people know that we really are crazy and we do mean to harm them if they don't cooperate with us.

We need to tell Putin if he wants to stay alive, to cool what he is doing, or better yet just kill off the KGB S.O.B. and dare the next guy to try to follow in his footsteps.

We need to send Bill Clinton to the UN as Ambassador with the message of getting their ass in gear or going out of business. Tell them to go whole hog after the international terroist and kill them. Give them 6 months to comply.

Let the CIA rendition all those dumb mothers that blew the cover on our CIA agents and operatives. They just need to disappear.

One last thing, package that dumb f..king traitor Henry Kissinger up in a WalMart sack and air drop him into the Hague to stand trial for his war crimes.

Oh yes, and FOX news....well I'm keeping that one secret.

Now did I forget antything?

Now I feel much better.

I'm going into the kitchen and take my meds now.

Pictures at 11:00.


  1. Overstated, you bet, but look where reason have left us.

  2. 1. Which candidate embraces those policies? :)
    2. The 'secret' solution to FOXnews: does it involve the Walmart bag left over from the
    Kissenger solution? :)

  3. 1. virtually nobody
    2. I wouldn't bother with the bag

  4. The wife having viewed the next post showing my brain and this post showing the content of the brain stated that, yes, I did have one and this post proves that it is truly sick. And folks, she is my best friend.

