Friday, December 7, 2007

News Channels Lie About Bush Boom

Every once in a while someone needs to rant about the stupidity and simplistic garbage that comes out of our "News System". I'll try to keep it simple, that way I can understand it.
MSNBC referred today to the unheralded "Bush Boom" and sited the DOL Bureau of Labor Statistics bulletin on Employment statistics. CNN gave a similar story as did CNBC and of course FOX.

Summary of their stories: employment is great , wages are up (up 8 cent per hour), there are more new jobs than expected (94,000 as opposed to the expected 87,000) and the unemployment rate is very low (4.7%). All of that is true. But.....

Great news. No not really.
Here is what the bulletin says about the actual Employment rate:
Last year in November the number of unemployed persons was 6.8 million, this November it is 7.4 million persons. That is 600,000 more people unemployed than last year in November. In other words there are over half a million less persons working than last year at this time.
NOBODY ON ANY NEWS CHANNEL SAID THAT. Yet it was in the lead summary put out by the Department of Labor.

The unemployment rate is a joke. Starting with Regan Administration they began to subtract the kind of people they counted, such as any military person discharged but not employed. (that means something with the current war going on) and they cut the number of days worked in the past 4 weeks from 5 to 1 to count you as employed. A five percent rate value in 2007 equals about a 6.5% rate value from 1980.

There is more much more. The DOL is not lying, they've put out the data. The corporate mouths represented by our beloved news reporters are feeding us this kind of bullshit on a daily basis. We shouldn't have dig out the truth of every story. What are they there for?
As for the Bush Boom, well, talk to the newly underemployed Americans who got an 8 cent raise or discuss it with the 600,000 persons who were working last November but aren't this November. I just hope you aren't one of these person.

Heck read it for yourself.

Then listen to the News and see if it all Jives, or if it all is just Jive.
Have a good day.

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