Monday, September 10, 2007

Don't Drink The Water

By BEN FELLER, Associated Press Writer Sun Sep 9, 9:13 PM ET
WASHINGTON - Seemingly taunting Osama bin Laden, President Bush's homeland security adviser said Sunday the fugitive al-Qaida leader is "virtually impotent" beyond his ability to hide away and spread anti-American propaganda.
The provocative characterization came just days after bin Laden attracted international attention with the release of a video in which he ridicules President Bush about the Iraq war and reminds the world that he not been captured.
Ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes, White House aide Frances Fragos Townsend made a clear attempt to diminish the influence — or the perception — of the man who masterminded those attacks.
"This is about the best he can do," Townsend said of bin Laden. "This is a man on a run, from a cave, who's virtually impotent other than these tapes."
In appearance on two Sunday talk shows, she used the "virtually impotent" reference both times, suggesting the language was chosen with careful purpose..............

So Bush is pissing on rattle snakes again.
This is totally nuts.
I hear that the old water pipes in Washington D.C. are carrying large quanities of lead to the water drinkers.
How long do you have to drink the water before you have
1. a American woman
2.tell a Saudi muslem man (with a dyed beard to show his virility)
3. your are impotent
4. on National TV
5. on a Sunday
6. Twice

Are they trying to provke an attack by Osama?
Are they trying to provoke an attack by others defending Osama's good Muslem Male Name?
Is the President just scratching his balls?
Or, are they just drinking the water?

I think they need to call the Culligan Man.

The full article came be found at:

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