Check out the site: http://www.realnd.com/salemsueindex.htm for more information. North Dakota is a big place( I've driven across it both N to S and E to W), so I reckon they need these sized cows. Heck a dozen of these on milking machines could supply a good sized city with all the moo-juice, butter, cream, etc. it needed. I wonder how much hay it would eat in a day? Hum, I wonder how much a cow chip it left would weigh?
Look at the size of the teats on that gal!
Better stay clear of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_World's_Largest_Roadside_Attractions ..I've actually been at a half dozen. (but thanfully missed the World'sLargestPooperScooper in Grand Rapids, MI.
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