Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Good Bye Jerry

Brother Farwell was a serious seeker of the Kingdom of Heaven all of his life. He looked forward to its coming. His only real mistake was not reading the words of Jesus and understanding them. The Kingdom was within himself, and he never showed that he truly understood or embraced that reality.

Only now touches eternity.

I don't know where Brother Jerry is now, but I suspect it is not what he thought it would be. I suspect that there are many other spirits there that he never expected to see. I suspect that they are all over joyed to see one another never the less. That is what it is all about.

Now what those "left behind" will make of him, that's a total 'nother story. As the graduates of Liberty's Law school line up as defendants for trial for what they did at the U.S. Justice Department no doubt will not be held in high esteem in this earthly realm.As most often happens in these cases his empire will deteriorate and then melt into reality.

But Hell, a man that had a train whistle for a car horn, couldn't have been all bad.


  1. Forget the Falwell talk, I love the eyes you put on top of your glasses -- they're a scream!

  2. "Everybody in America should give Jerry Farwell a swift kick in the ass!"
    --Barry Goldwater
