Thursday, December 31, 2009

Death Undisclosed

Looking at the statistics of my generation, and the statistics of those exposed to war I should have been expecting to find out that people I knew and even were close to or cared about at sometime during the last six and a half decades were dead and I did not know it. It is happening more and more frequently.

It happened again today.

I got this newsletter I get quarterly from an organization for which I once sat on the board and in it was an obit about a person I knew and trusted for the past 24 years. Looking up other obits on line, I couldn't even find out what she died from or what happened to her two cats.

It just feels strange to know that those who have populated your world are leaving it and you don't even know about it.

It just goes to show another truth in that old adage, old age is not for sissies.

RIP ya'll.

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